GCSE Textiles

Hi guys,
Remember to bring your fabric with you to the lesson this week.
Deadline for your practical and coursework is March 1st - thats final, final, FINAL deadline, I can't stretch it anymore.

I have put a check list underneath to show you what you need to have in your folder - make sure you have all of the below done by the end of this week......  GOOD LUCK GUYS.... nearly there!!!

Criteria One: (8marks)
Task Analysis
Resarch Planning and Gantt Chart
Customer Profile
Seller Profile
Existing Product Resarch
6 Existng product designs
6 moodboard designs
Analysis of Resarch and Design Criteria

Criteria Two: (32 marks)
12 Initial Designs
6 Focussed Designs
Evaluation of foucussed designs table
Peer assessment and extended wriintg about focussed designs
Development Planning: mind map/table
Design Development and COlourways
Product Analysis/Disassembly
Pattern Development
Construction Techniques
Fabric Specification

Making 32 marks
Evaluation 12 marks
Communication 6 marks

To be completed during the holiday:
You must write up your production diary - this should be a week by week account of:

What you did and how you did it:
You must say any problems you came across and how you solved them
How you are ensuring you are making a product your target market will buy.
You need to say at which stages you did Quality Contro checks - making sure that you are making a good quality product e.g.

Checking all stitches are the same size
I made sure that pattern pieces were cut out accurately
I measured 1.5cm seams to make sure they were accurate
I made sure the curved seams were snipped back so they sat correctly
I ensured the stitches were secure when I sewed the hook and eye on.

You will also need to make sure you consider health and saftey and that you mention the environment - did you target market want a sustainable product - how did you reflect this.

This file can be emailed over to whitleytextiles@gmail.com or you can leave a msg on the blog and I can respond to it.

Any questions you can contact me above...... See you on Tuesday and keep up the hard work.... Miss Mc x

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