Sunday, 18 November 2012


AS Level:
Hi girls,
just a quick reminder to ensure you being with you your completed Christmas stocking designs:
Reminder of the spec: A3, pencil drawing, must reflect Christmas, must have a minimum of 4 textile techniques.
The design should be the best of your ability and should be coloured and a fine liner must be used for detailing.

GCSE Textiles:
Miss McKnight's class: Product Analysis sheet should be handed in completed. Also, some students will be completing their photo shop colourways as well as practical work so make sure you have everything with you.

Thanks guys.

Sunday, 11 November 2012



GCSE Textiles: Bring Evalaution tables to the lesson tomorrow if you have not handed in already.

AS Textiles: Don't forget your fibres factfiles - you need them for the lesson!

Miss McKnight